
TRANSYLVANIA NOW FAKE NEWS: The Hungarian and the English sign must be removed from the City Hall of Băile Tușnad/Tusnádfürdő

Propaganda website ”Transylvania Now”, funded with public funds by Hungary, is spreading fake news about the situation of Hungarian minority in Romania.

See also TRANSYLVANIA NOW FAKE NEWS: No Hungarian sign allowed on the City Hall of Csíkszentdomokos/Sândominic

Attila Szoó, the author of the article published by ”Transylvania Now” website, falsely claims in his article called ”Another Hungarian town must remove Hungarian symbols in Szeklerland” that no Hungarian sign is allowed on the City Hall of a small town in Harghita county called Băile Tușnad/Tusnádfürdő and that both the Szekler flag and the town flag must be removed from the flagpoles standing in front of the Băile Tușnad/Tusnádfürdő Town Hall.

Both trials, the one concerning the flags in front of the City Hall and the one concerning the inscriptions ”Varoshaza” and ”Town Hall” were initiated by Dan Tanasă, president of a civil rights association.

In the case of the inscriptions ”Varoshaza” and ”Town Hall” the court ruled in favor of Dan Tanasă (two sentences, four judges in total) and obliged the mayor of Băile Tușnad to remove the two inscriptions because the term „Varoshaza”, which the ethnic Hungarian mayor, member of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (DAHR/UDMR), posted on the City Hall in Hungarian refers to a public institution that has no correspondence in the Romanian public administration.

”Varoshaza” is a Hungarian term that translates by ”House of the city” (”Casa orașului” in Romanian) and it is a term currently used in the public administration of Hungary. The correct term that is accepted by the Romanian public administration and by the law and is currently used extensively all over Transylvania to indicate the term City Hall in Hungarian is „Polgarmesteri Hivatala” (see also here).

So, the mayor of Băile Tușnad has to remove the ”Varoshaza” sign not because it is in Hungarian but because it is not the correct one. In fact, a Hungarian inscription is present on the City Hall of Băile Tușnad.

The inscription in Hungarian ”Polgarmesteri Hivatala” is present on the City Hall of Băile Tușnad (left side of the photo, blue square on the wall of the City Hall).

The mayor has to remove the inscription ”Town Hall” because English is not an official language in Romania and in this case we are talking about a public institution in Romania, not a private one.

Attila Szoó falsely claims that „Because Tusnádfürdő is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Transylvania, placing the English sign as well, besides the Romanian and the Hungarian signs, was a gesture from the town’s leadership towards those foreign guests arriving to the town from abroad who don’t speak Romanian or Hungarian”. This is pure propaganda and spreading of fake news.

One can very easily check that, for instance, the official website of the City Hall of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc is only written in French (see here) and that the the City Hall of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc only communicates in French on their Facebook page (see here). Why is that? Well, it could be because French is the only official language in France.

The City Hall of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc has inscription only in French? No English inscription? Oh, but how can this be? For sure the local authorities in Chamonix are not as ”European” as the ones in Băile Tușnad. PHOTO: Google

Also, one can easily check that the official website of Sölden in Austria is written only on German (see here) and that the City Hall of Sölden has inscription only in German (see here).

Could it be that the local authorities in Chamonix and Sölden are not as interested in tourists as the local authorities in Băile Tușnad? No, this is not the case. In fact, local authorities in Chamonix and Sölden respect the official language while the local authorities in Băile Tușnad would like to be a part of Hungary, not Romania. You are a tourist in Chamonix and Sölden and you need info in English? Good! Then you go to the Tourist Office and they will be happy to help you. And trust me, a lot of people in Europe and all over the world know about Chamonix and Sölden. Nobody in Europe knows about Băile Tușnad.

In fact, the English inscription ”Town Hall” was put on the City Hall of Băile Tușnad to falsely justify the one in Hungarian, ”Varoshaza”, and to falsely claim a ”European” mentality of the local authorities. 

In the case of the Szekler flag and the local flag, the court ruled again in favour of Dan Tanasă simply because the City Hall could not prove in court that the local authorities adopted the local flag legally. The Romanian law permits local authorities to adopt local flags but a legal procedure has to be respected. The City Hall of Băile Tușnad did not respect the law. After the City Hall of Tusnádfürdő/Băile Tușnad legally adopts the flag it will be possible to put it everywhere.

Attila Szoó does not talk about the fact that this local flag does not represent the Romanian community in Băile Tușnad and that this local flag represents only the Hungarian community in this small town.

Concerning the Szekler flag, the judges ruled in favour of Dan Tanasă simply because this is a public building and no where in Europe a local ethnic minority can put its flag on the local municipality. Hungarians in Romania can use this Szekler flag, with no restrictions, at their cultural events. But when it comes to public institutions only official symbols of the state can be put on these buildings. And this is the case all over the world, not only in Romania.

Moreover, Attila Szoó is inciting hatred by manipulating the facts instead of showing good faith and presenting the facts in an objective manner.

Again, Szoó refers to Romanian civil rights activist Dan Tanasă as being ”a well-known figure in the country for his legal actions against the ethnic Hungarian minority”. This accusation is simply false as Tanasă never sued the Hungarian minority in Romania (one has to be plain stupid to claim a person can sue an entire community of people) but the mayor of a town that did not respect the law and the Romanian Constitution. The judges, not Tanasă, ruled that the mayor of Băile Tușnad/Tusnádfürdő does not respect the law.

PHOTO: www.tusnadfurdo.info

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    1. Care e orasul acela “Harghita” din Transilvania independenta? Si care este orasul Bistrita – Nasaud? Dar “Salaj”?

  2. Bun raspuns, domnule Tanasa !
    Va mai putem trimite si imagini asemanatoare din alte tari und einscriptiile pe institutiile oficiale sunt numai in limba oficiala a statului respectiv.

    1. Totusi, in Romania se aplica legislatia ALTOR TARI sau legislatia romaneasca? Ca nu inteleg de ce le tot comparati cu alte tari, cand in Romania legea spune limpede in ce conditii se arboreaza LEGAL drapelele straine. Ca sa nu mai vorbim de “drapelul” pretins secuiesc, care nu este adoptat legal. Si nici nu poate fi, caci nu exista un tinut secuiesc recunoscut legal, nici “drapelul” respectiv nu a parcurs fazele legale ale adoptarii. Adica NU E LEGAL! Daca in Ungaria este legal sa arboreze drapelul Romaniei la primarii, asta e, ACOLO e legal conform legislatiei unguresti. In Romania, nu! Iar daca le vine unora ideea sa aplicam legislatia ungureasca la drapele, atunci hai sa o aplicam si la invatamantul in limba minoritatilor. Si la reprezentarea minoritatilor in parlament. Si la limba oficiala! Si daca ii vine cuiva ideea sa argumenteze ca in Ungaria romanii sunt putini, atunci le reamintesc ca este vorba despre drepturile PERSOANELOR apartinand minoritatilor, iar nu despre minoritatea in general.

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