
EXCLUSIVE. EU flag burned by Hungarian extremists in Romania PHOTO

March, 10. Târgu Mureș, Romania. The EU flag is burned by Hungarian extremists.
March, 10. Târgu Mureș, Romania. The EU flag is burned by Hungarian extremists.

by Dan Tanasă

The EU flag was burned on March 10 at an unauthorized rally of ethnic Hungarian extremists in Târgu Mureș, Romania, claiming the territorial autonomy of the so-called Szekelyland, a region in central Romania.

The unauthorized rally followed a commemoration called ”The Szeklers Freedom Day”, authorized by the city hall and organized by an Hungarian extremist organization from Romania claiming an autonomous Szekelyland, a region in central Romania where the ethnic Hungarian live in a vast majority. Several other civic and political organizations of ethnic Hungarians from Romania and Hungary participated at the commemoration. Among them was the leader of the neo-fascist Jobbik Party in Hungary, Vona Gabor, and leaders of The Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (DAHR), the political party of ethic Hungarians in Romania, now present in the Romanian Government. DAHR openly supports the ethnic autonomy of the so-called Szekelyland, alongside Hungarian extremists.

After the commemoration, a group of approximately 3000 participants marched to the center of Târgu Mureș. During this march they had clashes with the police, shouted “Szekelyland is not Romania” and “Death to the Trianon Treaty” and burned the EU flag. Police have not fined any of the participants yet.

See also DAHR is putting pressure on Romanian juridical system to save a convicted politician

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  1. I posted yesterday a message on Euobserver’s page with a link to your English version and they didn’t accept nor posted my message… Otherwise a great democracy in the future Europe! :))))) nu stiu cum se face rinjet…

  2. And that was nothing compared to the March 15th, coming right up…
    Be ready to hear the same extremists complaining about them being terrorised, burning flags, both Romanian and EU, and destroying everything around them, while the Police just watches…

    Hungary is waging war on Romania…

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