
Romania’s PM uses EU funds for electoral bribery

Romanian PM, Victor Ponta (FOTO: romanialibera.ro)
Romanian PM, Victor Ponta, candidate in the Presidential elections (FOTO: romanialibera.ro)

According to Mediafax news agency, the Romanian Government has already distributed by mail, 2.6 million tickets for food aid of the disadvantaged persoans, vouchers that can be used after November 16, the date of the second round of presidential elections, the Prime Minister Victor Ponta said. 

He pointed out that food is distributed through a European program that addresses all EU Member States, the Romanian Government ensuring only the cofinancing of the vouchers. Those who received the voucher will get 6 kg of flour, 6 kg of maize, 800 g of pasta, 4 liters of oil, 4 kg of sugar and 24 cans.

A week ago, members of the Government have announced that EU food for deprived persons, whose number is estimated for this year to 3.3 million unemployed, retired, disabled or veterans, will be distributed after November 16, the date of the secound round of Presidential elections, but on a coupon that will be mailed since October 22, the beneficiaries being so informed in advance that they would receive aid.

The coupon is a novelty introduced this year.

The campaign for the first round of elections for the President of Romania, began on October 3, 00.00, and ended on November 1, 7:00.

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta won the first round and will face Klaus Johannis, mayor of Sibiu, in the second round of elections scheduled to take place on November 16.

Romania’s PM uses EU funds for electoral bribery

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