The IMPLICATIONS of UDMR’s decision regarding the national symbols of Hungarian ethnics in Romania. UDMR – fully subordinated to Hungary

The decision of the UDMR [Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania] Congress, held on the 22nd and the 23rd of February 2019 in Cluj-Napoca, to unanimously adopt the red, white, and green flag as own national symbol of the Hungarian community in Romania, together with the Szeklerland flag, the anthem of Hungary, and the anthem of Szeklerland, has extremely complex implications within the geopolitical context of Eastern Europe.
See also Dan Tanasă, president of ADEC: The leader of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) gives out false statements regarding the UDMR mayor of Corund, fined by the courthouse
The only decision adopted by the UDMR Congress in Cluj-Napoca, on the 22nd and the 23rd of February 2019, advertised on the website of the Hungarian party, was the one related to the national symbols of the Hungarian community in Romania.
The UDMR Congress unanimously adopted on Saturday, February 23rd 2019, the decision that the red, white, and green flag would act as own national symbol of the Hungarian community in Romania, together with the Szeklerland flag, the anthem of Hungary, and the anthem of Szeklerland.
Unfortunately, with very few exceptions, the policy-makers in Bucharest did not react to this decision of UDMR, with complex implications for Romania.
UDMR, loyal to a foreign state
Through the decision adopted by UDMR in the Cluj-Napoca congress, the Hungarian party publicly showed loyalty towards Hungary. In spite of the fact that they are Romanian citizens, holding Romanian identity cards and passports, UDMR members publicly declared themselves loyal to another state, by publicly showing their loyalty towards Hungarian national symbols, to the prejudice of the national symbols of the country whose citizens they actually are.
Without any reference whatsoever to the Romanian national symbols, a political party present in the Romanian Parliament decided in a congress that its members and its community members would be loyal to the national symbols of another state. The decision equals an act of national treason. This occurred because UDMR chose to ignore the fact that the actions involved Romanian citizens, obliged by the Constitution to show respect towards Romanian national symbols.
By this decision, Kelemen Hunor practically confirmed the final and full subordination of UDMR to Hungary and Viktor Orban’s FIDESZ [Hungarian Civic Alliance]. Hunor responds, as best as he can, to the hundreds of millions of Euros that Prime Minister Viktor Orban provides, in order for Hunor to put into motion Hungary’s plan to reannex Transylvania.
UDMR’s decision, against the Romanian Constitution
According to article 12 in the Romanian Constitution, the Romanian national symbols that every Romanian citizen must respect are the Romanian flag, the Romanian National Day – December 1st, the Romanian National Anthem – ‘Deşteaptă-te, Române!’, the Romanian coat of arms, and the Romanian seal. Any citizen showing loyalty towards the national symbols of another state is guilty of national treason. This applies worldwide. The citizens of a country are legally obliged to show respect and loyalty towards the state and its national symbols.
UDMR chose to speak out on behalf of the entire Hungarian community in Romania at its congress and decided that the Hungarian national symbols came first for the Hungarian ethnics in Romania, thus showing disdain towards the Romanian Constitution and acting in a way that would be catalogued in any European chancellery as national treason.
UDMR, a real Trojan Horse of Hungary
UDMR’s decision gives rise to a totally new situation for Romania, which calls for a strong reaction.
If UDMR were a simple NGO, things would be totally different for Romania. The decision publicly assumed at the UDMR congress could have amused us at most. It is only that the Hungarian party includes hundreds of members, part of the central or local administrative offices of the Romanian state. Hundreds of mayors, deputy mayors, local councillors, county councillors, state secretaries, directors, deputies and senators, thousands of public servants, are acting as of February 23rd 2019 under a foreign flag, that of Hungary. All these public servants and dignitaries of the Romanian state publicly showed their loyalty towards Hungary, by the decision of the UDMR Congress, albeit being Romanian citizens. How would these public servants – Romanian citizens loyal to Hungary – protect the interests of the Romanian state that pays their salaries?
Romanian money is good, Romanian symbols are not
The decision of the UDMR Congress underlines the full lack of loyalty of UDMR members towards Romania, the country that is annually pumping millions of Euros into the party’s account, money disregarded by UDMR.
In spite of the fact that it annually collects millions of Euros from the Romanian Government, apart from the local budgets of the tens of city halls and county councils that it manages and freely controls, UDMR does not show even the slightest respect towards Romania.
It is well-known that UDMR leaders do not take part in the Romanian National Day celebrations and refuse to display the Romanian flag at the party headquarters or on the city hall buildings that they manage. In many cases, UDMR members blatantly refuse to display the Romanian flag or the Romanian coat of arms on the city halls administered by them. Only the final court judgments convince these UDMR members to show respect towards the Romanian national symbols.
What will Romania do?
One year before the Centennial of the signing of the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary makes an important move on the chessboard of the area and puts Romania in an extremely delicate position. The main party of the Hungarian community in Romania, amounting to approximately 1.2 million Romanian citizens, decided that the Hungarian ethnics in Romania do not have any connection to Romania and that they are loyal to Hungary, publicly showing their loyalty towards the national symbols of the neighbouring country, to the prejudice of the Romanian national symbols.
Romania is consequently the homeland of Romanians and Hungarians, as UDMR puts it. The Hungarian ethnics in Romania are no longer ethnics living in Romania, but part of the Hungarian nation on a foreign territory.
The move occurs some years after the decision of Hungary to award Hungarian citizenship to the Hungarians in the diaspora, as a response to the Treaty of Trianon. The decision of Budapest had no reaction from the part of Romania, which was left with thousands of public servants having sworn allegiance to Hungary. On the other hand, Slovakia reacted in a firm manner to block the masked expansion of Hungary into its territory.
From this point on, Hungary has citizens showing public loyalty towards it on the territory of another state, namely Romania. Like any self-respecting country, Hungary will not hesitate to protect the interests of its citizens, who are so visibly loyal to it. The presence of such a great number of its citizens on another territory would be the strongest reason for Budapest’s decision to act firmly and, by any means, in their best interests. Similarly to Vladimir Putin, who annexed Crimea, justifying his action by intervening in the best interests of the Russian citizens in Crimea, aggrieved by Ukraine, the leader in Budapest, Viktor Orban, could decide, supported by the leader in Moscow, to whom he is closer than believed, to intervene by any means in the interest of its citizens in Romania. If Hungary has supported economically and culturally the Hungarian community in Romania so far, we are now dealing with loyal citizens, having publicly declared themselves as having no connection to Romania, which is a game changer.
The argument of self-determination appears in a different light. If the self-determination principle in relation to obtaining territorial autonomy by ethic criteria of the so-called Szeklerland had no legitimacy so far by lacking the Szeklers in Romania, the expression of UDMR’s loyalty towards Hungary legitimises, in the view of UDMR and Hungary, the wish of the Hungarian community in Romania for self-determination, consequently, the reannexation of this part of the Hungarian nation to the mother-nation in Hungary. Which can only be put into effect by breaking Romania apart.
It is obvious that Hungary is provocative, in the hope of an impulsive reaction from the part of Romania. A firm reaction from Bucharest is necessary, as soon as possible. The lack of any reaction would, however, be catastrophic on a medium and long term for Romania.
The Romanian governance has been subject to UDMR’s blackmailing for more than a quarter of a century. At this point, the Romanian governance is literally in the hands of Viktor Orban and his emissary to Bucharest, Kelemen Hunor. The only alternative for Bucharest is a solid governance, predictable on a medium and long term, free of UDMR and Budapest’s blackmail. Romania must act fast to modify the electoral legislation, by imposing a higher electoral threshold to eliminate the conditions leading to UDMR’s blackmail. Bucharest is also obliged to assess the impact of the tens of thousands of public servants and dignitaries loyal to another state and acting in its interests in Romania. The lack of such assessment equals self-destruction.
PHOTO: Kelemen Hunor at UDMR’s Congress in Cluj-Napoca,
sa făcut apariția șovinul de serviciu, felicitări domnule Dan Tanasă pentru lupta care o duceți cu șovinii și iredentiștii, dar și pentru tăria de-a rezista, acestor atacuri barbare de secolul al X-lea.
Na, uratule, amu analfabetii tai de serviciu din strafundurile Rromaniei nu prea dau navala sa comenteze aici. De ce oare?!? Aaaa, fiindca nu cunosc mai multe limbi, nici chiar limba lor materna… Si nu te intristeaza? Ba, pocitule, tu chiar crezi ca vreun om serios din “vest” care stie engleza, te va lua in serios?!? Don’t make me laugh…