
Romania, the only country in the world governed by an NGO

dan_tanasa-300x300By Dan Tanasă 

Romania is governed by a non-governmental organization (NGO). And this has not started yesterday, but is going on for nearly 25 years. 

I’ve heard of countries governed by dictators or political parties, but I have not heard of countries governed by non-governmental associations. What big Western democracies such as France, Germany, Austria and the USA, to give just a few examples, failed to do, Romania succeeded in doing: to entrust the country’s government to an NGO. If until now things were in a fog that suited the rulers of the day, now it is quite clear, wrote in an official document of Harghita’s County Prefecture, signed by Victor Ponta’s Government representative, the prefect Petres Sandor.

Responding to a request sent by me, the prefect Petres Sandor told me that the The Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (DAHR, UDMR in Romanian) is exempt from the requirement of hoisting the Romanian national flag on its offices because DAHR, a ruling organization now in Romania, is not a political party but an NGO (document here). An NGO which receives millions of Euros on an annual basis from the Government of Romania (documents here). An NGO that politically controls county councils, dozens of municipalities in Romania and has representatives, politically appointed, in all structures of the central state. An NGO that is part of civil society and a political party at the same time.

If a couple of dozens of Romanians associate to create an NGO they can not participate in elections because only political parties participate in elections. Conversely, if a couple of dozens of Romanian citizens of Hungarian ethnicity associate to create an NGO they can participate in elections because they are Hungarian ethnics and a minority in Romania. A double measure applied for 25 years in Romania at the expense of the majority of citizens of Romania. A double measure which is toxic for the Romanian democracy.

It is clear that things can not continue as they are right now. DAHR’s situation can not be tolerated indefinitely. DAHR has to be helped to assume its status and be removed from the Romanian politics, which is constantly poisoning with its revisionist and anti-Romanian policy. DAHR has to be helped to operate under its own statute, in the civil society sphere, not governing Romania.

See also EXCLUSIVE. The Council of Europe is stirring the Hungarians from Romania at ETHNIC SECESSIONISM. An official document of CE is rewriting the history of so-called Székely Land DOCUMENT

and Romania: The Common Homeland of Hungarian Fascists and War Criminals

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One Comment

  1. Ma-ndoiesc ca “afara” nu se cunoaste situatia din Romania, dar inca-mi mai inchipui ca se mai poate face ceva.
    Articolul asta ar trebui trimis ambasadelor straine din Romania, birourilor de presa ale guvernelor din Europa si America, presei din strainatate (scrisa si on-line)… Tare curios as fi reactia CNN, de exemplu. Vor publica asa ceva? Ce parere ar avea acea vestita Comisie de la Venetia? Ce parere ar avea Parlamentul European, Haga?

    Trimiteti-l, de asemenea, domnule Tanasa, si presei din Romania, daca si cata o mai fi “nealiniata politic”. Iar cine va publica articolul inseamna ca inca se mai considera roman.
    Cat despre cei carora le-ati trimis articolul si l-au ignorat, dati-le numele aici. Presa din Romania are nevoie de o curatenie majora.

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